Stellilabium helleri L.O. Williams, Brittonia 14(4): 443-446, f. 3. 1962.
TYPE: Nicaragua. Matagalpa: on fallen tree 200 m S of where Santa Cecilia Finca road branches off of Bavaria Finca road, near 14.29N 85.47W, alt. 1100 m, Jan 1962, A.H. Heller 4093 (holotype, F; drawing of type, AMES; illustration of type).
Dipterostele helleri (L.O. Williams) Garay & G.A. Romero, Harvard Pap. Bot. 3(1): 57. 1998.
Telipogon helleri (L.O. Williams) N.H. Williams & Dressler, Lankesteriana 5(3): 170. 2005.